Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Current state + solutions from the challenges

 Nowadays, everything is online. Including buying and selling labu sayong. Easy. 

    However, the process of packing, making sure it does not break during the shipment process is so hard and it takes a lot of time. As well as faith (during the shipment). During the interview session, Cik Nor told that there are still a lot of people who came by his shop to peep or see and sometimes buy the labu sayong. Roughly about 15 labu sayong is sold in a month. But in this pandemic situation, less of that was sold. It is mainly because no freedom to travel between states.

    There are some organizations that currently help to preserve the labu sayong knowledge which is the Pusat Kemajuan Kraftangan Negara and Institute Kraf Negara.

Pusat Kemajuan Kraftangan Negara helps the seller by promoting labu sayong not just by locally but onto a national level. They encourage progress, commercialize it through the bigger markets and help entrepreneurs by providing online skills as nowadays, everything is online.

                                                       Pusat Kemajuan Kraftangan Negara 

              While Institut Kraf Negara provides various skills for the youth. They can pursue studies on pottery making if they are interested. For example, they can take a Diploma in Seni Kraf Seramik, Seni Kraf Batik, and other arts as well. Efforts to preserve this heritage knowledge should be continuously done so it would not be forgotten especially by the younger generations.

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